Sunday, March 29, 2015

Basic rules for writing sponsored post and reviews

paid content writing

Like most bloggers, you dream of making money from your blog one day. A sponsored blog post is a blog post which you are paid publish on your blog. It may be written by you or by the advertisers. There is no harm in publishing paid reviews as long as the review relates to your niche. In accordance with FTC regulations you should always mention that it’s a sponsored blog post, usually at the end of the post with a byline such as:

“blog post was sponsored by (Company or brand Name Here).” Even if you are not legally bound to disclose that you’ve been paid to publish a post, you should.

I wouldn’t recommend that bloggers sell sponsored blog posts for such a low figure unless they don’t have a loyal and returning readership and don’t care about losing the readers they do have.

If you have a blog or websites with a decent dressed Pagerank i.e. PR4 or 5, you may contact a review network too and get paid for writing reviews on your website. Some of these networks include PayPerPost, ReviewMe, and BlogVertise etc.

Note:-, a sponsored blog post is a personal experience recommendation from you – from a real person your readers know and trust. Don’t sell yourselves or your readers short.

Recommendations while writing paid reviews

You have worked hard on your blog, to build up a voice, and content that people enjoy reading, sharing and engaging with. Flooding your blog with articles about car insurance, the latest cheap products and that “must buy” will eventually turn off the readers you’ve worked hard to attract.

  1. Try to work with clients that enhance your blog and add value for your readers.
  2. The sole purpose of Paid reviews is to get a rich PR link from you. Sponsors don't care about your traffic
  3. Make sure that links within sponsored content have the “nofollow” attribute or are coded so that they are inaccessible to crawlers. This includes any links to the sponsor on the template (logos, package treatments, etc.) and any sponsor links within the actual editorial text. This applies to all forms of sponsored content, be it specially created content or regular editorial content that is given a sponsor treatment.
  4. Any links within sponsored content should not pass PageRank. This stemmed from the incident in which Interflora and some UK newspapers were penalized for links within advertorials. Accept only a maximum of two links pointing to the same domain when reviewing. Sponsors often insert too many links on a single review, this makes your review suspected and can give a signal to Google that you are selling links.
  5. Never review Casino or Gambling sites, no matter how commercial the site be.
  6. The Review content must be related to your niche. If you write on web developments then you can review apps or web services or web tools that are used for web development purposes but you can not review a selling cars or Real Estate business sites.
  7. Charge $100-$150 for a PR4 site with a review of 1000 words. These higher rates are generally paid to more established blogs with a higher Page Rank (find out yours here) and a larger audience.

Google Guidelines About Paid Links

Not all paid links violate our guidelines. Buying and selling links is a normal part of the economy of the web when done for advertising purposes, and not for manipulation of search results. Links purchased for advertising should be designated as such. This can be done in several ways,

such as:

We recommend you avoid selling (and buying) links that pass PageRank in order to prevent loss of trust, lower rankings, or in an extreme case, removal from Google's search results.

Hope the above tips will help you better review content on your websites or blogs.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Is JavaScript and jQuery are actually the same thing

Jquery logo
The differences between the two programs are discussed on the internet in more than thousands articles but technology is full of confusing terms. A lot of fresh developer (also me) ask a question it’s possible the use JQuery only?, So the answer is simple “No”, first off - it's impossible to use jQuery only, all jQuery does is add a $ object to your global scope, with a bunch of methods in it. Even more manipulative libraries like prototype aren't an alternative to javascript, they're a tool belt to solve common problems.

What Is JavaScript And Why its value For Web?

The answer is simple for What is Javascript “ it’s is a programming language whereas jQuery is a framework to help make writing in javascript easier.
An HTML page is a static one without use of JavaScript. It’s could make a web page dynamic and also we can create special effects on web pages like rollover, roll out and many types of graphics that would leave an amazing impression. For example, for a flash content on a web page to be executed in a web browser the JavaScript must be enabled. It’s also necessary for validation contact forms and login forms etc.

The uses of JavaScript don’t stop there, It has also been used for server-side programming, network programming with frameworks such as Node.js, game development and the creation of desktop and mobile applications.  JavaScript was originally developed by Brendan Eich, while working for Netscape Communications Corporation.

What Is JQuery And Why it’s Important

jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. It’s free, open source software, licensed under the MIT License. Before JQuery, developers would create their own small frameworks (group of code) this would allow all the developers to work around all the bugs and give them more time to work on features, so the JavaScript frameworks were born.

On the other hand best way to know what is JQuery? it’s a fast and well performance (Group of JavaScript code) Library that simplifies WebPages and HTML documents traversing, Events, Animating and develop Ajax applications for a well performed web development. Used by over 80% of the 10,000 most visited websites. [Wiki]

The main advantages of jQuery :

1. Browser compatibility - doing something like .attr() is much easier than the native alternatives, and won't break across browsers.

2. Simplification of usually complicated operations - if you'd like to see a well written cross browser compatible version of an XHR method, take a look at the source for $.ajax - for this method alone it's almost worth the overhead of jQuery.

3. DOM selection - simple things like binding events & selecting DOM elements can be complicated and differ per-browser. Without a lot of knowledge, they can also be easily written poorly and slow down your page.

4. Access to future features - things like .index Of and .bind are native JavaScript, but not yet supported by many browsers. However, using the jQuery versions of these methods will allow you to support them cross browser.

I hope the above introduction enough to understand difference between two programming language, If I miss anything please let me know in the comment box below, I will try to improve my post according to your tips. Please feel free to post any query via comment box below, we will always well come you as a loyal reader. Happy Blogging..!!


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