100+ Truth & Dare Game Questions for Teens and Adults
Truth and Dare is an amazing game often played by teens and adults at nature camps, maybe some sleepovers and many times between a girl and a boy who is desperate to uncover the dirty truth about the BOY which he might be hiding. So if you are the one who loves to be little adventures and do the dare on the rocks or you are the one who loves to uncover the truth behind that KISS, well for you we have some nice truth and dare questions that you can ask from your friends while playing this awesome game.
We will cover many questions for truth and dare game from different topics so you can have some more fun while playing this game.
Awesome Truth and Dare Game Questions from Different Categories
Firstly we will cover the truth based questions and then dare questions will be covered, so let the fun begin.
Nice and Dirty Truth based Questions for Truth and Dare Game
So first one as I said would be truth based questions, we have many categories to cover, so lets check all the awesome questions.
#1. Relationship based Truth & Dare Questions
- Who was your first crush, or who is your current crush?
- How old were you when you had your first kiss?
- What would you do if your current boyfriend/girlfriend ended things right now?
- Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- Have you ever been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- If you could go on a date with anyone in the room who would it be?
- What is the most awkward moment you've ever had on a date?
- If you could kiss a celebrity without it impacting your current relationship, who would it be?
- What would you do on the perfect first date?
- Of all the people you know, who has the most beautiful eyes?
#2. Friendship based Truth & Dare Questions
- What were your first impressions of me (the person asking the question)?
- What personality traits would cause you to end a friendship?
- Would you go behind a friend's back with a crush?
- Have you ever lied to your best friend?
- Would you ever cheat off a friend's paper?
- How many best friends have you had during your lifetime?
- If you were stuck on a deserted island which friend would you want with you?
- Which person here knows something about you that you wouldn't want revealed?
- What are the three qualities you feel are most important in a friend?
- What would make you lie for your friend?
#3. Embarrassing Truth & Dare Questions
- How long have you gone without showering?
- What don't you want anyone in this group to ask you? (Be sure to keep it in mind for future rounds!)
- Have you ever told a lie during a game of Truth or Dare? What was it and why?
- Have you ever had a crush on anyone here?
- Have you ever stolen anything?
- What's your scariest nightmare?
- What do you think is your biggest physical flaw?
- Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
- What kind of pajamas do you wear to bed?
- What's the dumbest thing you've ever done on a dare?
- What color is your underwear?
- Have you ever peed in the swimming pool?
- Where is the strangest place you've used the bathroom?
#4. Hopes and Dreams Truth & Dare Questions
- If you weren't here, what would you be doing?
- If you couldn't go to the college or get the job of your dreams, what would you do?
- Have you ever had a crush on anyone here?
- What is one thing you've never told anyone else?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- What kind of person do you want to marry someday?
- Do you want to have kids? How many?
- If you could switch places with someone for a day who would it be?
- If you could invent anything, what would it be?
- If you knew the world was about to end, what would you do?
- If you could be born again, who would you come back as?
#5. Life based Truth & Dare Questions
- Are you scared of dying? Why?
- What is your biggest fear?
- What happened on the worst day of your life?
- Have you ever climbed a tree?
- Have you ever sang and danced in the grocery store?
- If you could be a superhero, what would your power be?
- What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
- If your life were made into a movie who would play you?
- What's your biggest pet peeve?
- What is your special talent?
- What's the best meal you've ever had?
- What's you favorite Disney movie and why?
- What would you do with a million dollars if you ever won the lottery?
Freakily Awesome Dare based Questions for Truth and Dare Games
For awesome dares experience, you can give a nice dare to your friend from the list of tasks provided below. Make sure you are not asking your friend to break any law or do any dangerous activity, it might make the game hell for you all.
#1. Food and Drink Dares
- Drink a mystery brew concocted by the rest of the group. Make sure there is nothing harmful or dangerous in the concoction and set a reasonable limit of sips the person must take to complete the dare.
- Eat a mouthful of crackers and try to whistle.
- Crack an egg on your head.
- Combine two foods that should never go together, such as pickles and peanut butter or applesauce and olives, and eat a huge bite.
- Stand next to the refrigerator (or food pack if you're camping), close your eyes, and randomly point to something inside. Keep your eyes shut while someone from the group helps you eat some of the food you picked.
- Pretend to be a waiter or waitress and take snack orders from everyone in the group. Bring them the food they ordered and then check back to see if they like it.
- Eat a snack without using your hands.
#2. Public Embarrassment Dares
- Go outside and sing a clip of your favorite Disney song at the top of your lungs.
- Prank call someone you know (perhaps another girl in the group that couldn't make it that night).
- Ask the neighbors to borrow a cup of sugar.
- Post a YouTube video of you singing a currently popular song.
- Call someone you think is attractive and pay that person a compliment about his or her best feature.
- Update your status on social media using only words that start with the letter "T."
- Let everyone in the group style your hair and take photos.
- Go outside and shout at the top of your lungs, "I am [your name]! Hear me roar!"
- Moonwalk while a friend takes a video.
- Paint each toenail and fingernail a different color and keep the polish on for a week.
#3. Clothing-Related Dares
- Exchange shirts with the person next to you for the next round of questions.
- Wear a funny hat on your head for the next three rounds of questions.
- Wear your pants backward for the rest of the game.
- Take off your socks and wear them on your hands for the rest of the evening.
- Make a headdress out of toilet paper and pose for photos.
- Switch clothing with someone of the opposite gender. Change in private, but wear the clothes for the next four rounds.
- Get a large garbage bag and cut the bottom open. Put it on like a skirt and tie the ties around your waist. Act like you are modeling couture on the catwalk.
- Take 10 minutes to come up with an outfit that has every color of the rainbow. Borrow things from friends as you need to.
#4. Silly Dares
- Set up a tea party between any of the stuffed animals in the house. Invite the girls in your group to join.
- Say the alphabet backwards in a British accent.
- Run around the room imitating a monkey.
- Give someone in the group a piggyback ride around the room.
- Make up a rap about the person to your right.
- If there is a pet at the event, try to hold the pet for the rest of the night.
- Pretend that you're swimming underwater for the next three rounds of questions. Don't forget to make bubbling noises and come up for air from time to time.
- Everything you say for the rest of the game has to rhyme.
- Repeat everything another player says for the next three rounds of the game.
- Sing instead of speaking for the next two rounds of the game.
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