Thursday, August 11, 2016

How to Contact & Send Message to President OBAMA

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YES, you heard it right, the most powerful man in the world is now making himself open to the world via social platforms. Yes, you won’t be able to call him directly and say hi, but still messaging him could make your thoughts to be delivered directly to him. Earlier President OBAMA used to read 10 letters daily but the medium of receiving letter fro different parts of the country was less, but with the advancement of Social Networks like Facebook, one can quickly and securely contact anyone across the world.

contact president barack obama

President OBAMA is using the same medium for getting your messages delivered to him directly from the White House Page on Facebook. Now don’t be so excited as people from everywhere might be sending some of their weird thoughts to him and he won’t be able to read all of those messages, as I have mentioned only 10 message will be read by President OABAM every evening.

But yes keep trying and you might end up lifting your message to his head and changing his MIND for not stepping back from the President's position, so let's follow the steps below to see how you can easily contact and send your Message to President OBAMA.

Send Private Message to President OBAMA using Facebook Messenger

Using White House’s official page you can easily send message to president Obama.

contact president obama gif image

We will be using the default Messenger method that you use to contact and send message to any of your friend.

Visit Messenger Page

  1. Now after you visit the above Messenger page, you need to be Signed In to your facebook account to see this.
  2. Now just press the Get Started Button and JUMP In.
  3. It will show you every step, but just press the Let’s GO option and then you will be able to type your own personal message to President Obama.
  4. After writing your message confirm it two times and then enter some of your details whatever they ask you for.
  5. After that just enter your Email Address, in case you get lucky and get a revert from President Obama himself.

Now just tell your friends about your interaction with President Obama how you contacted him and sent Barack Obama a message in person, share this story with your friends and let them try their luck, I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, have fun and peace!
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