Saturday, August 27, 2016

Watch Google’s Origin Full Documentary Movie Online

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Google’s Origin Documentary Movie Synopsis

When there is a strong bond between two then, everything is achievable, and this was the mantra taken by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who met each other on the campus of Stanford University in 1995. Sergey Brin is a Russian, and he is born to Mathematician parents, and Larry Page was born in Michigan to Computer Scientist parents. You can imagine right from here the formation of Google, a computer program with mathematics algorithms creating the best search results and indexing everything accordingly.

google's documentary video

As you might have heard in 1990’s online internet searches were happening, but they were taking time and were irrelevant too, so Larry Page and Sergey Brin had an idea to implement the backlinks strategy to rank the site, and this will eventually lead to success.

So on 15th September 1997, they both registered Google and while convincing people they received their first investment from Sun Microsystems' co-founder, Andy Bechtolsheim for $1,00,000/-

Next, there was not stop, their vision was expanding, and they were bold and moved forward with good speed.

Right now you all what Google is, in fact, if people want to check if their internet is working or not they just navigate to Google.com.

These days every information is on Google, and there rich representation of results makes it much easier to use. So just have a look at the above Documentary movie about Google, its founders, and its formation, you will surely enjoy it, do comment below if you find anything irrelevant.

If you enjoyed watching the above movie, do share this with your friends, I hope they will love this too.

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