Thursday, October 20, 2016

Google Adsense Ban Appeal Secret Tips

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Adsense ban isn’t something new, almost every blogger have to go from the phase because of strict Google policies, but what to do if your Adsense is ban and Google prohibit you from using this program again. The solution is quite simple, either go and appeal them or create a new account on behalf of any other one. Better is to appeal if you think you are innocent and have no idea about the ban. I am going to share some secret tips that my friend used to get his AdSense account back,  these tips will work for most of the people so continue reading and appeal in a clever way.

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Tips for Getting your Adsense Back

There are two cases for a ban, either you intentionally violated AdSense policy or you did it unintentionally. There are chances for restoration of both of bans but there are very fewer chances for the first type of ban so read everything carefully before appealing because your appeal will be only considered once, after that it will be discarded by system automatically, so here you go:

  • Most of the publisher even don’t read Adsense TOS, it’s important to read Adsense TOS before appealing and you will get a better idea of  appealing.

  • Find out the thing that causes your AdSense ban, if you don’t know before.

  • If you violated TOS unintentionally, then simply explain all the things and tell them that you will not do again, it important to attach log files you have, if you won’t attach logs then you lose 90% chances of getting back.

  • If you did it intentionally, tell them the reason why you did it and ask them to reconsider you for the program, also tell them that your will never do it again, don’t try to be over smart, they know your every move. Don’t forget to upload logs.

  • You have got 1000 characters & one chance only, so write the appeal in a clever, smart and professional way.
That’s all you can do in appeal, there are less than 90% chance that you will get your account back but if you did everything the right way than be happy, you might get your account and money back.

How Long I have to Wait?

You have to wait for almost 24-48 hour, during ban seasons it can take up to 2 months.

Will I get my account back?

Google will decide that, but I have seen a number of people getting their account back with these strategies.

What if I don’t get my account back?

I think I have told you that before. Don’t weep and panic, it happens when you become over smart than Google, also up and downs are part of life so just motivate yourself and say I will do much more than that. that’s it?, No, you have to work hard again. There are two chances for you here, if adserving is also disabled on your sites than your loss is bigger and if not then be happy you lost nothing. Now What if Ad-serving is also disabled on my sites? No problem I have solution for that too

If your ad serving is disabled then get it back and if it isn’t disabled than go ahead and apply for a new account from another Gmail account, hopefully, they will approve, if not then create a new account on behalf of your brother/friend or any one to start earning again. And don’t forget this lesson for your whole life.


Have any thought’s to share?, I will love to hear back.

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