Sunday, January 1, 2017

Sasural Simar Ka 1st January 2017 Written Update

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Sasural Simar Ka 1st January 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Sasural Simar Ka 1st January 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Sankalp shoves KB. Khushi says wow this is the so called Bharadwaj house. This woman is slapping me and you all are quite. Prem says because that’s what you deserve. It is our mistake that we trusted you. What simar did with you should have been done long ago. You are responsible for what happened with Anjali. You are her enemy. KB says enough dad. This is too much. Stay away from my Kb and you.. Who are you to slap Kb? Simar says don’t say a word more. I am your mom. And Khushi I asked you to stay away from my kids. I forgave you every time but today my daughter’s life is ruined because of you.And she can’t even see it. There is no place for you in this house. I am here for my daughter now. Anjali says you are not my mother. Leave Kb’s hand. KB says
whats my mistake. sImar says you are still asking that? You sent my daughter to Mumbai. You did that and now this. Get out of this house. KB says this house is mine as well. she goes upstairs. simar stops her and says I didn’t want to insult you more but you won’t understand. Simar takes Khushi’s hand and shoves her out. KB says someone stop her. simar says everyone knows what I am doing is right for everyone. Anjali hugs KB. Anjali says if Kb leaves I will leave the house as well. Prem says okay then you can go too. Anjali is dazed. Mataji says what are you saying. Prem says yes enough of her blackmail. Go leave this house with her. ANjali says okay I won’t stay here. Kb says no Anjali you won’t do that. they all love you. I am leaving. I will pray that you stay happy. I am leaving. Simar closes the gate on her.

Khushi puts her hand in mud and stamps it on the wall. Khushi says I will be back to take my revenge.

Piyush is worried in his room. He says what is happening. Roshni comes in his room and plays music. Piyush says Roshni what is this. SHe says you promised me you will participate with me in dance competition. He says in this environment. She says being sad won’t fix anything. We have to live life with problems. SImar says roshni is right. You should participate with Roshni. Always be each other’s best friend.

Simar says for better future of Anjali Khushi had to go away from her. Prem says you are right. Anjali will start using her brain now. Anjali comes and says I will decide what’s important in my life. You must be very happy to kick Kb out of my life. Only she understood me. Prem says she used to provoke you. SImar says its better for you that she goes away from your life. Anjali leaves in anger. She breaks all the stuff. Simar says what are you doing? Anjai says stay away from you. prem says mind your language. what do you wanna prove? Anjali says this woman has done some magic on you. She has fooled you completely. You are doing all this because of this woman. There is nothing that can change my opinion about this woman. She was and is nothing for me. Anjali leaves. Prem says to Simar don’t worry we will bring her on right path.

Precap-Anjali says on call I miss you VIkram please take me from here. VIkram says don’t call me. Piysuh comes in. Anjali says what you want? He says I just wanted to spend time with you. She says you are not my brother. Simar comes in and says you can not dimish relations of blood.

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