Friday, June 30, 2017

An interactive music concert for children in Mumbai

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Bringing kids for a professional concert is seldom heard of. But, if an orchestra encourages children to interact - by singing along, answering the conductor's questions, participating in performances, conducting and even dancing - why not?

In a first of a series of special concerts for young audiences, the Symphony Orchestra of India's Chamber Orchestra will be presenting five pieces today at Classics - It's Classy! The show has been created by NCPA's resident conductor Evgeny Bushkov. "The atmosphere of the concert is such that it eliminates the distance between the players and listeners, and the conductor and children. Also, the repertoire is fresh and new," explains Bushkov.

The idea is to demonstrate the expressive power of music language that may be easily understood by children and parents alike. "It features the narrator. However, the narration, thanks to composer's intention and skill, plays secondary role," adds Bushkov.

The work will also feature audience participation where one will be asked to make specific sound effects on the conductor's cue. This experience is special for Bushkov and all the musicians involved. "First, because it's witty music with a lot of humour and imagination. Secondly, it requires a lot of participation. I urge my musicians to remember that we are responsible for our young audience and their interest in classical concerts," says Bushkov.

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