Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Receives Unofficial Port of Android 8.0 Oreo
With the initial rush of developers trying to boot Android Oreo on anything that’ll run it, the next big hitter to receive an unofficial port of the latest OS is the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Snapdragon edition. Android Oreo for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, ported by XDA Senior Member jhenrique09, is in an impressive position. The only broken features currently include Wi-Fi hotspot, USB tethering, and VoLTE, making this an impressive first port for the widely loved device. The Google App suite also comes pre-installed with this ROM. This Xiaomi device is not the only one to unofficially receive an Android Oreo port, with the Nexus 5 receiving one too, albeit in a much more unstable state at the moment.
What makes this port even more impressive are the circumstances the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 is in. Running a Snapdragon 650, there have been no driver updates from Qualcomm to allow it to run on Android Marshmallow or higher. Developers have had to “shim” the blobs, in other words analyzing the blobs, how they interact with the new version of Android via logging and creating a shim to piece it all together and thus enabling the device to function correctly. This is a very intensive process and requires a lot of skill and patience. It can also lead to instability which can be hard for many developers implementing a shim to fix.
With LineageOS on its way (unofficially) to devices, we hope to see it built soon for the Redmi. The Redmi Note 3 is a much loved device by the Android community, and an update to Android Oreo would breathe new life into it and its community. We expect to see this device around for a long time, just like the Nexus 5. With its excellent battery, RAM, and processor, the device should be around for years to come, especially as it continues to receive unofficial updates.
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