Daily Skin-Healthy Tips: Reduce puffy eyes with tea bags
Puffy eyes can steal your look and bring a negative indication about your habits and lifestyle. There are several reasons for developing baggy eyes. But, you can treat your baggy eyes with natural products at home and regain your healthy look.
Soak two tea bags in hot water for few minutes
A tea bag is one of the common ingredients used to treat baggy eyes. You can use either green tea bag or a black tea bag for this treatment. Green tea is rich in antioxidant and is, therefore, more effective in treating swollen eyes.
Here’s how you can use tea bags:
• Soak two tea bags in hot water for few minutes. Take the tea bags out and let it cool down.
• Lie down and put the tea bags on top of your eyes.
• Leave them for around 15 minutes
• Repeat the process few times a day.
This will not only reduce irritation and cure puffy eyes, but will also soothe your eyes and make you feel comfortable.
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