Sunday, October 1, 2017

Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite: Is it worth your time?

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With DC flexing its gaming muscle with Injustice, it was just a matter of time before Marvel responded.

Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite begins with Ultron and Sigma fusing together to become the creatively named super-duper villain Ultron Sigma. In his possession are the Infinity Stones for space and reality, which makes Ultron Sigma a significantly powerful enemy.

So, characters from Capcom and the Marvel universe team up to find the remaining infinity stones, to give them a leg up in defeating Ultron Sigma. The story is entertaining, but it is simplistic and without much drama or twists. The team has done a decent job of trying to explain why most characters are in the game. There are a few odd-ball characters though -- a good example is Frank West, protagonist from the Dead Rising series. It's an odd choice because Frank doesn't have any powers, he just uses stuff that is in his environment to kill zombies. To compensate for that, Frank pulls out shopping carts and baseball bats from thin air. Considering the huge roster of characters Capcom has to choose from, it is odd they chose him.

What, however, is odder is Marvel's choice of characters. They have been super lazy and just taken all the characters that will appear in their Infinity Wars movie.

This game only has 15 characters on each side -- that's a total of 30 playable characters. Compare that to the first Marvel vs Capcom that had 100 characters to select from.

We, of course, are hoping more characters get added as we go along, as both sides have a nice list to choose from.

The gameplay is pure matka. For those who don't know what matka is, it is a local gambling game where there isn't a hint of skill, only pure luck.

The controls have been made super simple and there is a way to try special moves by mashing a few buttons, as long as your super move indicator is full. Of course, you can sit and learn all the moves -- the game has a good tutorial built.

What's not great is the inconsistency in the graphics, rather the character look. While some characters, including Ultron Sigma, look brilliant on screen, others like Frank West look dated. The Infinity stones mode also doesn't look anything like it did in the movie -- it's just a coloured overlay in the game.

We also tried the online multiplayer, and it was surprisingly hard to find a match, even when all the restrictions were removed. When we did manage to connect to other players, we were immediately defeated and dismissed.

At the end of the day Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite is a fun game. You can't deny the fact that the laid-back controls and the constant threat of a button mashed victory from a less skilled opponent can lead to some exhilarating moments when you play with friends. For that experience alone, Infinite scores big. Though a larger roster with some non-Infinity Wars Marvel characters would have been nice.

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