Execution of 3 month old child took place in Hyderabad- as a sacrifice to evil forces
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Recently, a 3-month-old newborn child was executed in Hyderabad which took the whole country under a shock. How can someone be so cruel? On Thursday, the Rachakonda police took the charge on the case being brought up to them about the beheading of a three-month-old infant in the edges of Hyderabad towards the end of the last month.
As per the sources, police has already arrested the suspects who are taxi driver named Kerukonda Rajasekhar(40), along with his wife K Srilatha (35), who are suspects who executed the newborn child in the outskirts of Hyderabad. Police have stated that the execution was in order to pacify evil forces as the execution took place on the evening of January 31, which matched with a lunar obscuration.
Rajasekhar professedly grabbed the new born kid while she was lying down with her parents in Secunderabad’s Bhoiguda region. The police found the head of the infant’s form the terrace of Rajasekhar house itself on February 1.
Rachakonda police Chief Mahesh Bhagawat said Rajasekhar, a superstitious individual, had been stressed over his significant other’s wellbeing throughout the previous four years. In February 2016, the couple went to the Sammakka Saralamma inborn celebration at Medaram in Warangal locale, where they met a ‘koya dora’ (or magician) who exhorted them to direct a young lady kid’s ‘narabali’ (human forfeit) to disperse the abhorrent spirits tormenting Srilatha.
The evening of January 31, he found the newborn child thinking about asphalt in Bhoiguda with her parents. After 12 pm, he very easily kidnapped her in his taxi and headed towards Musi waterway close Pratapa Singaram town in the edges of the city.
“Around 2 am, Rajashekar executed the young lady youngster, tossed the middle and his blade into the stream, and sat tight for about 30 minutes for the seeping to stop. He at that point returned home with the disjointed head in a polythene pack,” Bhagawat said.
Soon thereafter, he and Srilatha purportedly played out the ‘kshudra puja’ – a custom for warding off underhandedness spirits – with the disjoined head put on a temporary holy place in his lounge. “After the puja was done, Rajashekar took the disjoined leader of the newborn child to the patio and kept in its southwest corner to guarantee that the moonlight and early morning beams fall on it,” Bhagawat said.
Rajashekar left for function as common at a young hour the following morning. In any case, his relative – Bala Lakshmi – saw the kid’s separated head around 11 am and raised the caution. Neighbors alarmed the police, who achieved the spot and started an examination.
After a careful test that included addressing of a few people and DNA profiling of blood tests gathered from the porch and in addition the family room, police touched base at the conclusion that the wrongdoing was conferred by Rajasekhar.
“We have arrested the denounced and his better half. It was simply in the wake of cross-examining them that we figured out how to split the case,” Bhagawat said.
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