Good News! Delhi Government Issues Cashless Treatment For Acid Attack Survivors
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Good news for all the victims of the horrifying acid attacks which ruined their lives. The Delhi government has issued guidelines for cashless treatment of medico-legal cases involving survivors of road accidents, acid attacks and thermal burn injuries. However, these facilities will be applicable only to the incidents taking place in Delhi.
The facility can be availed in registered nursing homes/private hospitals in the capital.The nursing homes and private hospitals will need to enter into an agreement with Delhi Arogya Kosh for seeking the reimbursement.
On Saturday, Health Minister Satyendra Jain took to Twitter to announce that the government would bear the cost in such cases. Also, the victim will not be required to carry any document for verification and eligibility. Only two factors will be considered — the incident has happened in Delhi and within the jurisdiction of Delhi Police.
The government has also passed the order that no nursing home or private hospital registered under Delhi Nursing Homes Registration Act 1953 can refuse treatment to such patients due to any reason. They will be entitled to all facilities offered to an indoor patient under the lowest economy category in that institute and won’t be charged any amount. In case of any violation of this orders, prompt action will be initiated against the facility.
The guidelines also state that the doctor who is attending the patient will have to inform the local police station, record the daily diary number on the case sheet and prepare the medico-legal documents after providing immediate first-aid treatment to save the patient. A format has been provided to fill in the details of the patient that has to be mailed to a given address within six hours of the arrival of the patient and it will also have to be sent to the specified phone number.
After the treatment, the hospital will provide a copy of the bill showing 100% discount, discharge summary to the survivor patient and keep a receipt of the same along with the certification regarding the cashless facility.
Well, this is really a great initiative taken by the Delhi government and we hope the other states too pass such orders to help more victims of the acid attack survivors.
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