Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Top 10 Countdown Apps Or Widgets For Android

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It is very crucial that we remember the days and dates that matter in our life. But in this busy and tight schedule of life which keeps overburdening us, it becomes very hard for us to keep track of those critical moments about to happen. And to our rescue comes technology with these Countdown apps and widgets which monitor the time left till the final D-Day.

Countdown Apps Widgets for Android

Here I have listed down the top 10 countdown apps for Android devices.

1. Countdown Calendar Widget

Developed my MKC, this small and efficient app performs all the necessary functions. Just put it on your screen and set the date and the app will do the rest for you. It will count down the days or hours to your event. As it is only 61 kb so, it doesn't do much harm to your phone storage space. Also, this app is free from all the ads.

2. Large Countdown Timer

Developed by MindTheApps, this short interval timer comes free of cost. It also works as an alarm clock that displays the digits in a large font. Although it is not targeted to countdown to a specific date still, it can count time intervals up to 99 hrs 59 min and 59 sec. 

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All you need to do is swipe the screen and tap on the "Start" button to get going. The elegant and minimalist design with 2*1 grid size helps consume less space in your home screen. Also, it is also battery efficient and comes with no ads.

3. Countdown Days - Apps & Widget

Developed by SMSROBOT LTD, is available for free of cost on the Google Play Store. It comes in three different sizes - 1x1, 2x1 and 3x1 and different color options. This app can also add multiple events to countdown to. 

Using this widget, you can create the events either manually or import them from your calendar. You can even import events from Facebook. Once you upgrade to the premium version by paying $0.99, you can unlock all widget themes and remove ads as well.

4. Countdown in Status Bar

Developed by Wagwan Apps, this app displays the days left till your milestone in the status bar of your phone; the benefit of this being that you can see the countdown anytime even when your device is locked. 

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The free version comes with the disadvantage of ads. And, if ever these ads start to irk you then you can always upgrade to the ad-free version by paying $1.29. You can choose to view the countdown icon either in white or green color.

5. Days Left

Developed by Leihwelt, this shiny widget lets you manage everything on time by keeping count of either your friend's bday or your parents anniversary or just any other random important day. You can also customize this widget by choosing between several colors and overlays. And the best part is you get all that for free.

6. Final Countdown

Developed by Thangbomb, Final Countdown app shows years, months, weeks, days, minutes and "seconds" left until your last special moment. And hold on, not just seconds, they provide the millisecond's countdown too. 

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You can get cloud backup using Facebook login and lets you import your Facebook birthdays. Moreover, events from your live phone calendar can also be imported. The cost of installing this app is free. So go on, give it a try.

7. D-Day Reminder

Developed by dodol.com, this app is an entirely free cost on the Google Play Store. With the specialized 'D-Day Form,' you can create a timer for your events, birthdays and any other D-Day. You can get multiple widgets to display either a single event or a list of events. One can also customize this app according to his or her wish and also set multiple alarms to act as a reminder for the important upcoming event.

8. Talking Timer

Developed by Schiz Tech, this is the only one of its type that talks. With the app providing you with talking reminders now and then you need not be worried of forgetting your special day. You can even set intervals for getting alerted within the pre-defined time. 

Along with the beautiful display, it also uses little resources so as not to affect the battery life. The above-defined features come in the "free" version. And soon when you upgrade to the PLUS version by paying $0.99, you get additional features like no ads, custom alert messages and intervals, faster updates and much more.

9. Multi Timer StopWatch

Developed by LemonClip, this beautiful management app lets you set multiple timers so as to facilitate its use for cooking, study, sports, etc. You even get a notice to set an interval timer within a timer. Once a timer alarm buzzes off, the timer speaks up to you. 

To differentiate between the various alarm timers, you can set a unique sound to each one. It comes with customizable color and size. You can install the free version of this app and upon purchasing the premium version, you get the ad-free app and few other features.

10. Days--

Developed by Joe Wu, this app comes free of cost on the Play Store. It's a simple countdown application with all the basic functionalities. It can count down or count up days from a particular event to remind you of any important days. 

This beautiful lightweight widget does not need any special permission. And as Open-source Libraries build it, it is entirely ad free.

So, install any of these apps to stay updated on all the important events and happenings in your life and never again forget any birthday or anniversary or any event day.

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