Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tutorial: How you can save Instagram posts as drafts

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Have you been in a situation where you are struggling to put up some astonishing post for Instagram but the ideas are not coming in a gush but in tiny drops. Sure this new feature Instagram is bringing on is sure to trip you with Instagram rolling out a “save as draft” option across its apps. With this feature, you will be able to come back to posts later.
Tutorial: How you can save Instagram posts as drafts

Some time at the beginning of this year, this very feature was introduced in a limited offering. And now spurred by encouraging response Instagram is deciding to embark on its release on a broader scale. Thus with no restriction, this feature should be rolling to all across iOS and Android platforms. And in case you don’t see it, just a little patience, it will be right there soonest.

Instagram had revealed the procedures to save a draft on its help page.

To begin with, you will have to click the photo button appearing at the bottom of the page. This will enable you to upload a file possibly a video or a photo. So you can choose to do your editing, location, do some little work on your filters. You can even choose to caption the photo or video in particular. So when you are through, simply walk your way and then navigate back to the filtering and editing phase.

Tutorial: How you can save Instagram posts as drafts

When you get there, you will now have to click on the back arrow. Can you see it? It appears on the upper left corner of the screen and you will come across the option of saving your post as a draft.

So now should you wish to get back to the drafts you have saved previously, you will need to tap the photo button again and move to your library. When you get to the library, you will see a fresh section tagged “drafts” appearing at the bottom of the screen.

So that is one of the wonderful improvements Instagram has rolled on to its apps. Even of late, you can tap to zoom, including the option of filtering some selected keywords. Both of those features are coming after the giant picture sharing platform introduced Instagram Stories, which Instagram targets at giving Snapchat-like spin to your photo as well as video sharing service.

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