Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Top 20 Whatsapp Tips & Tricks - Android, iPhone & Windows Phone

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As we know, Whatsapp is the most popular messaging platform right now. The service it provides makes it different and better from all messaging apps. It's already an interesting app to use but knowing its tips and tricks will make it more attractive. You will come to know about some amazing tricks of WhatsApp which will be fun to use them after going through the guide mentioned below.

Whatsapp Tips & Tricks

1. Use Whatsapp Without Phone Number

Shocked? Yes! It is true; one can use WhatsApp without their cell number, which means one do not need to run WhatsApp with their original number. Some fake number will move your WhatsApp account.

Following are the steps given below, that will guide you about how to use WhatsApp with a fake number:

  • At first, you need to uninstall your official WhatsApp app from your phone. 

  • Now, download WhatsApp app from your play store, marketplace or apple store and install it. 

  • Now, you need to disable your messaging service by enabling flight mode on your phone. 

  • Now, open your WhatsApp app which you have installed recently and insert your number. (WhatsApp will be unable to send message to your phone for verification as your flight mode is still enabled) 

  • Now, when WhatsApp is unable to send you a confirmation message, it will ask you to choose alternate methods for verification of your number. 

  • Select the option “check through SMS” and enter your e-mail address. 

  • Click send button, and after that, instantly click on the Cancel button to terminate authorization process. 

  • Now you need to install the app named spoof messages from your play store in your phone. 

  • Proceed towards the outbox and copy message details of spoofer application and now send it to spoofed verification. (false verification) 

  • Use the details which are given in the spoofed message. (To: +447900347216 from +(country code) (mobile number) Message: Your Email Address) 

  • Now, after this, a verification message will be sent to your fake number, and you will be able to run your WhatsApp with a fake number.

2. Hack Your Friend's Whatsapp Chat

Hacking your friend's WhatsApp conversation is fun. It just takes few seconds to do this. Follow the steps given below and you will be able to make this mischief.
  • First of all, get your friend’s mobile phone anyhow. 

  • Now, connect this phone to your laptop via USB. 

  • Follow this path folder>WhatsApp >databases. 

  • Here, you will find two files namely msgstore-yyyy..dd..db.crypt and msgstore.db.crypt. 

  • Copy this file and change its name. Rename it with “megastore- YYYY..dd..db.crypt” to “megastore.db.cryp.” is you find different file extension name like “crypt7” then keep the extension as it is and rename the prefix. 

  • Now, install the WhatsApp app and you will be asked for restore. Choose the restore option and you will get all your friend’s WhatsApp conversations.

See Also: - Dual Whatsapp Account In Single Phone

3. Spy On Your Friend's Whatsapp Account

Yes, you got me right. Spying on your friend's WhatsApp account is possible. This trick will allow you to read all chat threads of the user you have targeted. You just need to install the app named WhatsApp spy and this will allow you to trace chat records of your targeted user.

Moreover, you will be able to see what they exchange from their multimedia gallery among their friends.

4. Password Lock Trick

As we all know that it is important to keep our chats private and secured. For this purpose, one need to have his/her Whatsapp password protected. That means your WhatsApp will open if and only if you have entered your password correctly.

The password is only known by you so only you will have access over your WhatsApp. There are many security apps available in the play store, but WhatsLock is the most recommendable one. No else will be able to open your WhatsApp other than you, and this is how your WhatsApp will be safe.

5. Stop Your Friends From Knowing Whether You Have Their Read Messages Or Not

Yes. It is possible to make your friend refrain from identifying his or her message has been read or not. You can kindly ignore the message even after reading it, and your friend will not even know this. But the only disadvantage you will face using this trick is that the same thing happens to you also. Even you will not be able to see if others have read your message or not. Follow the steps given below for this.
  • Go to your WhatsApp and then to settings. 

  • Now go down this path setting> account> privacy. 

  • There you will see read receipts option. Uncheck it and you are done.

6. Use Whatsapp Without the Internet

You can use WhatsApp even without the web. A sim card named whatsim is specially designed for using WhatsApp only that too without internet. Through this card, to get your WhatsApp activated, you need to make recharge of a certain amount. This will reduce your internet expenses too.

Whatsim is developed by CEO of zeromobile – Manuel Zanella. This sim card offers you facility of sending and receiving messages through WhatsApp without the internet. According to the company data, around 150 countries and 400 operators are hooked up with it.

In India, with the recharge of around 714rs, you can have access to WhatsApp throughout the year. It can be said that the option of whatsim for WhatsApp is budget friendly. This is very useful in the areas having internet connectivity issues as people over there can use WhatsApp without the web through whatsim.

7. Whatsapp Trick For Starred Messages

In chat window of WhatsApp, you see a star on the top. What is it for?  By starring the message you can see them directly in the folder of starred messages. It will help you saving your important messages, and you are free from the trouble of searching that message. This way you can star your message:
  • Long press on the message you want to get starred and hit the star button from the menu. 

  • Simple! You are done now. Whenever you want to see starred messages, just click on the top right of your WhatsApp, and you will find the option to check your starred messages.

8. Save Your Phone Memory By Stoping Auto Media Download

You can save your phone memory as well as mobile data by unchecking auto media download. It will simply stop the media files i.e. audios, videos, and images from getting downloaded without your permission. 
  • Follow this path setting>data usage>when using mobile data> uncheck all.

9. Create Shortcuts For Frequently Used Contacts

Creating a shortcut for frequently used contacts would make your usage easier and better. Shortcut of that contact would be saved on your home screen, so you do not need to go to WhatsApp and then to contact to chat. You can simply talk to that particular person just by clicking on its shortcut. 
  • Open WhatsApp, long press on the contact of which you need an alternative. 

  • Now, you will see few options popping up, choose “create shortcut” option. 

  • You will see the shortcut folder on your home screen.

10. Transfer of Files Between Your Phone and PC

It is quite easy to move files from PC to phone and vice versa. Follow the following steps for this:
  • Save your number on your mobile with name. 

  • Now, you can find your number in WhatsApp contacts and this way you can send any file to yourself. 

  • Now open web.whatsapp.com website on your PC and scan the code. 

  • Choose, attach files, upload it and send to you number. 

  • This way data will be forwarded to you, and you can download those on your phone. 

  • The Same procedure is for transferring files from phone to PC.

See Also: - 150+ Cool Whatsapp Status

11. Create Fake Whatsapp Chat

Creating fake WhatsApp chat is possible. You just need to download an app named whatsaid, and that's it. Using this app, you can create fake conversations and fool around.

12. Email Your Conversation

Many people wish to see their chats on their PC/Laptop, or they required a transcript of their conversations. There is a shortcut for this that can send all the discussion history including images and videos directly to your inbox. Just follow below mentioned steps:
  • Go to your Whatsapp. Press and hold a contact for few seconds whose chats you want to email.

  • On doing that, a popup menu will appear over the screen.

  • There is an option of the email conversation. Click on it. It will send your chats to your email id.

13. Whatsapp Quote Feature

Whatsapp provides an interesting feature of quoting a message or replying a particular message you would like to. Follow the step by step guide mentioned below:
  • First of all long press the message you want to reply. After few seconds you will see an icon of the arrow. This icon is the Reply icon. Press it.

  • Now a keypad will open up, and you will be able to type the message/comments.

  • Type the comment you would like to and press enter. Your message will be displayed in the selected message you are intended to reply.

14. Recover Deleted Messages

Sometimes you want to retrieve the deleted message. Here are some of the tips which you need to follow and it will be recovered.
  • First, make sure you have USB cable with you.

  • Connect your phone/mobile with PC via USB cable.

  • Open the folder named “Whatsapp databases.”

  • You will see two files: ‘msgstore-yyyy.dd..db.crypt’ and ‘msgstore.db.crypt.’

  • ‘msgstore-yyyy.dd..db.crypt’ file contains the message which is being sent or either received in last seven days.

  • Select that file and open it with Notepad/WordPad. The entire message will appear on your screen.

See Also: - Whatsapp dare Messages

15. Change Your Phone Number On Same Whatsapp

Now this is an interesting and helpful feature of WhatsApp. Many of us would like to modify the number keeping the same WhatsApp account. Here is the trick for it:
  • Open your WhatsApp application.

  • Click on the options button on your mobile or three vertical dots in the application.

  • You will find an option called ‘Account.' In that, you will get another option named as ‘change number.’

  • Press it. You will be prompted to enter your new and old cell number. Now you will be able to get your old Whatsapp on the new number.

16. Change Whatsapp Chat Background

WhatsApp provides that facility to modify the background image of your chat screen. Follow the procedure as mentioned below:
  • Go to a chat screen of any contact. 

  • Open menu and you will find an option Chat Wallpaper.

  • Now press that option. A popup menu will appear.

  • Here you have two modes: either you can change it from your gallery or else there is some default wallpaper available. Choose any of them.

  • Check whether it has been displayed in the chat screen.

See Also: - Cool, Funny Whatsapp Group Names

17. Send Messages to All Contacts At Once

Many times people want to send the same message to each and everyone, in particular on the occasion of the festival. It is called broadcasting the message.
  • From the menu, create a broadcast list.

  • Add recipients you want to and create it.

  • Paste your message you intend to send. It will be forwarded to all the contacts you have added to that broadcast list.

  • There may be a condition that the person whom you are sending must be your contact.

18. Hide Last Seen From Whatsapp

People nowadays don’t want others to see their last seen, or when were they active on Whatsapp recently. Here is the way to do so:
  • Open the menu option after opening Whatsapp.

  • Secondly, you will see a drop-down list in which you have to select ‘Settings.'

  • In the configuration, you will find ‘Profile.' Click on it and some new sub-options will be opened.

  • Go to Privacy>Last seen and three options would be appeared, namely, ‘Everyone,' ‘My contacts’ and ‘Nobody.'

  • Select any one from the options mentioned above and you're done.

See Also: - Whatsapp DPs, Profile Pictures

19. Bombarding 1000’s Of Messages At A Time (Prank)

Now, this is somewhat interesting when you want to tease your friends by making their phone run slow when you send them thousands of messages at a time.
  • Open web.whatsapp.com from Chrome (recommended).

  • Press ctrl+shift+J at once, and it will open a console.

  • Copy/Paste the below-mentioned code in the console.

// control + shift + j to open console and paste

var count = 3000; //number of times to sendvar message = "Your whatsapp is about to hack "; //spam messagevar i = 0;var timer = setInterval(function() { var evt = document.createEvent("TextEvent"); evt.initTextEvent("textInput", true, true, window, message + i, 0, "en-US"); document.querySelector(".input-container .input").focus(); document.querySelector(".input-container .input").dispatchEvent(evt); i++;if (i == count)clearInterval(timer);console.log(i + " messages sent");var event = new MouseEvent('click', {'view': window,'bubbles': true,'cancelable': true});document.querySelector(".icon.btn-icon.icon-send").dispatchEvent(event);}, 10);

The highlighted bar count means the number of times you want to send the message at a time.
Var message has to contain the message you want your friend to send.

20. Sending Bold & Italic Messages

Here are the tricks if you want to use these styles of fonts:
  • For Bold message: place an asterisk(*) symbol before and after the message. (Eg: *Go there*)

  • For Italics message: Place an underscore before and after the message. (Eg: _Here_)

See Also: - How to Use Whatsapp In Web Browser
These are the WhatsApp tricks which will make WhatsApp more fun, more useful and more interesting to use. Hope you like this article.
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