Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Getting Started with Google Adsense and Make Money

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What is Google Adsense? How does it work? These are some questions you might be asking yourself as you grow your blog.
Google Adsense is a cost-per-click (CPC) ad network that allows website owners to sign up and place image and text ads on their websites in order to generate income. It is an easy way for bloggers and website owners to start making money online, especially if they have the traffic.
Once you install the codes provided by Adsense, the Adsense “spiders” will start crawling your site to basically see what your content is all about. Once they have that information, they are able to display relevant ads based on the topics contained on your website. Knowing this, you can see why it is important to have great content!
Google pays you based on two things: Clicks and Impressions. Clicks are whenever somebody clicks on one of the ads on your site (note: do NOT click on your own ads!) and Impressions are how many page views you receive on pages hosting ads. If you need a little help understanding Adsense terminology, check out this post.

How to get started

First, you will need to set up an Adsense account if you don’t already have one.  Once you have signed up, you can start creating your ads units. You can choose from a variety of standard sizes and you can customize the appearance of your text ads. You cannot place more than three graphic ad units on a page. Choose ad sizes that fit in with the overall feel and sizing of your blog.
Once you’ve customized your ad units you will be given a code to place on your site. Follow the instructions provided to copy and paste the codes in the places they suggest. If you’re using Blogger, it’s totally fine to place the <head> code in one of your sidebar widgets if you are uncomfortable with placing it in the HTML of your blog.  Note that ads will not automatically start appearing right away. Those spiders I talked about above need to do their job first and see what kind of ads they should be providing you with, so they may take a few hours to show up.

Does Adsense Really Work?

If you have regular traffic and are seeing thousands of impressions per day, then Adsense could definitely work for you. I do not recommend using Adsense on new websites or blogs with little traffic. In fact, it will probably be a complete waste of time and will be frustrating if you have little traffic because you will not see much in terms of earnings. It could take months to make a dollar. Work on creating lots of great content and share your posts on social media to boost traffic. Once you get a regular flow of visitors, give Adsense a try. Depending on your impressions, you could see a few dollars per day, or thousands per month if you’re a top earner.
In closing, yes, Adsense can definitely work if used correctly, but will not be a “get rich quick” method by any means. It takes a lot of hard work and patience to actually generate a living wage from Adsense.
What do you think? Has Adsense worked for you?
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