Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Migrate Feedburner Subscribers From Blogger To Wordpress

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migrate subscribersIf you have made up your mind to migrate your Google blog to wordpress safely then redirecting your RSS subscribers and Email subscribers  to Wordpress is a must thing to do. You will need to migrate only if you have changed your domain or moved your content to a new location or server. Since in case of blogger to self-hosted wordpress migration, domain remains the same therefore we will only need to redirect the Feed.  Moving your bulk of readers from one platform to another is linked with your blog Feed address. BlogSpot blogs  support both RSS and atom Feeds whilst wordpress supports RSS web Feeds alone (though you can use plugins to switch to atom). What we will learn today is to simply change the FEED address and let your readers to receive email updates via your new blogging platform. This method will shift your syndication from one network to another without losing a single subscriber. The steps are clearly demonstrated to make your  job easy.  Lets get things moving!

What is RSS?

RSS includes the main post body section of a blog where new entries are published. It's a collection or directory of all your posts that you publish.  RSS is a web feed that is compiled in XML document. This document lets bloggers to syndicate content automatically. RSS documents can include full or summarized text along with metadata such as publishing dates and author name. Readers can then subscribe to these FEED to keep themselves updated with updates on their favorite websites. If you are MBT subscriber then you may be receiving Email updates form us on daily basis. The service which does this job on our behalf automatically is called Feedburner. You can join feedburner for free to let your visitors subscribe to your updates.

Steps to safely Migrate Subscribers

This tutorial is really simple. You just need to follow the steps carefully and correctly.
  1. Go To your Feedburner account
  2. Select the Feed your wish to migrate
  3. Click on Edit Feed Details
  4. Now you will see three options which are
    • Feed Title

    • Original Feed

    • Feed Address

  5. Amongst the three we will be concerned with Original Feed only.
  6. Replace the address with
redirect feedburner subscribers
   7.   Your blogger Feed address will have the following URL structure:




You will need to change it to the following wordpress Feed address


move subscribers to wordpress
   8.  Click the button "Save Feed details"  and you are almost done.

Redirect WP Feeds to Feedburner

Now you will need to disconnect feed redirecting from blogger and integrate it with wordpress. for this follow these steps:
  1. Go to blogger > Settings> Other
  2. where it says "Post Feed Redirect URL"  Click the remove link to stop feed redirection
  1. Now log into wordpress
  2. Install the Plugin Primary Feedburner     Note: Its an alternative to Feedburner FeedSmith which no longer exists.
  3. Once installed, click on settings tab and choose Primary Feedburner
  4. Enable Primary Feedburner by selecting "on" option
  5. Next you will have two feed options. One for posts and one for comments. In the first input field insert your Feedburner title and leave other field empty
  6. Hit save and you are all done!

Further settings

In order to make best use of your feedburner account. Activate the following options by going to the Publicize tab
  1. Buzz boost
  2. Email Subscriptions
  3. Pingshot
  4. FeedCount

From Optimize Tab activate these:
  1. BrowserFriendly
  2. SmartFeed
  3. Feedflare

Need help?

Feel free to post your queries in the comment box below. I just hope this free method would help you save bucks that you might have spent on premium services. We will be publishing such tutorials more to make blogging more comfortable for all of you. Both wordpress and blogger guides are now a part of our How-to category. Please do share any of your tip that would make this guide even more useful. Would love to hear from you. Peace and blessings pals! :)

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