Chrome OS Notifications to Get Inline Reply Support for Messages
Over the last few years, Google has improved the functionality of Chrome OS pretty substantially — it’s hard to believe that at one time, the Chrome-based operating system (OS) was basically contained within a browser window. While Android still has a larger feature set, Google’s web-based OS is catching up. Recently, the operating system got support for a floating keyboard and a new flag that enables split screen in tablet mode, plus keyboard shortcuts that move the active window.
Now, Chrome Story has discovered a code change request on the Chromium Gerrit which shows that Chrome OS’s notifications might soon get inline reply support for messages. Much like the inline reply support that debuted in Android 7.0 Nougat, it’ll allow users to reply to messages from the notifications panel instead of heading to the app.
The commit in question, Commit 776176, was merged in the Chromium Gerrit with the title, “Add notification inline reply support to Chrome OS“.
Android and Windows are supporting inline reply for web notifications (Issue 599859). And now it’s time to start implementing it for Chrome OS.
I think most of non-UI code are already implemented by their works, so what we do is implementing native UI for Chrome OS Message Center. We already support inline reply for ARC notification so we don’t expect much works except UI (eg. forcusing, keyboard, IME …, etc). But some tweak might be necessary.
The bug report showed that Google was planning to add inline replies to Chrome OS, and now the respective commit has been merged.
This adds UI side support of notification inline reply to NotificationViewMD, which is a View framework notification implementation used in Chrome OS.
Several features are missing from this implementation.
– Animation
– Submit icon on the right side
Most applications will support the feature when it hits the Chrome OS Developer Channel, according to Chrome Story.
Inline replies might sound like a small feature, but as anyone who’s used it on Android can tell you, it’s a major convenience. It improves the multitasking flow since you no longer need to jump in and out of applications to reply to messages. When the feature arrives in the stable channel, it’ll fill yet another feature gap in Chrome OS.
Source: Chromium GerritVia: Chrome Story
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