Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Pay What You Want for 9 Career-Building Books on Big Data

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We live in an age dominated by big data. And, as the world becomes even more connected and digitized by the day, our reliance on gathering and manipulating enormous sets of data is going to continue to grow.

That’s why the best and most lucrative positions in the immediate future will be occupied by those who have the skills to understand and work with big data. The books in The Big Data Encyclopedia Bundle will teach you everything you need to know about big data and all of its applications–all for a price you choose.

Here’s how the deal works: Simply pay what you want, and you’ll unlock one of the nine books instantly. Beat the average price paid, and you’ll get the remaining books at no extra charge!

With nine in-depth books covering everything from the absolute basics of data science to the most advanced analytical methods around, this massive bundle of information will get you up to speed on some of the most important and in-demand topics in data science–like big data forensics, analytics, and visualization.

You’ll learn how to consolidate and transform huge data sets acquired from various data sources, explore the latest data mining techniques, get hands-on experience with major algorithmic methods, address the challenges of visualizing big data, and much more.

Make your way through the entire catalog, and you’ll emerge a data-crunching professional versed in top tools, like Apache Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Flume, and more.

Don’t get left behind during the big data revolution. The Big Data Encyclopedia Bundle will get you to where you need to be, and all for a price you choose.

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